zeroth notions

Welp, I think I'm starting to understand where jwz is with his website and the pile of "previously, previously, previously". POSSE seems pretty attractive now that my online Posting Spots outside of the fediverse are being actively burned to cinders by billionaires, or else schedule for soon demolition/shutdown.
-yumaikas Sep 29 2024 10:59PM MDT

If you grew up without the permission to say no to doing a lot of things things, and you're up against a tremedous challenge, and your motivation is "I'm just doing what I have to", and people can't fathom that?

That's a sign that you've likely taped over a lot of warning lights in your brain and/or are running on War Emergency Power.

Getting some relief and/or mental health intervention should be a high priority.

-yumaikas Sep 29 2024 11:29AM MDT

Dealing with RSS validation errors tonight has been a pain.

Of course, it's one of those irritating "you have the order of the date and the month swapped". Will we tell you this? lol, no, "date is invalid" is all you get, figure it out yourself!

So, the date format I have working right now is

"%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z"
in Janet (via mendoza), which uses C's strftime. So that's been fun.

-yumaikas Sep 29 2024 02:05AM MDT
From @JNL, I think this is an important idea
Mastodon nerds, this is an urgent message: please keep nerding out on things you are passionate about and then taking us along on your deep dives. Share your pics and discoveries. Muse. Show us dust motes and explain how you learned that no two are the same. A passionate engagement with the beauty and weirdness of the world we have is a hope project. It is a meaning-making project. It is a resistance project.

-yumaikas Sep 28 2024 11:50PM MDT
A Godot Resource that's a portal: It links to two .tscn files that represent the maps on either side of it, and is held by the exit nodes.
-yumaikas Sep 28 2024 03:20PM MDT